Monday, July 13, 2009

1. SPECIES OF TOOLS contraception and Mechanism of

Choosing a contraceptive tools based on some consideration of the following: effectiveness is high, does not cause side effects, the work can be arranged according to needs, does not cause interference when to have sex, and easy to use. Consider also a matter of price and the most important may be accepted by your partner. Here are the types of contraceptive tools that are available at this time.

Coitus Disconnected
Coitus is lost is a way to prevent pregnancy with interesting penis from vagina before going ejakulasi. This is how the oldest known contraceptives human, and probably still is the way most do today. Benefits is the way this does not require the preparation and cost. Kekurangannya need is a great self-control of men, and many men who can not control the emosionalnya.

Post-coitus flushing
Pascasenggama flushing is done by women is flush with the vagina with water with or without the drug solution (vinegar or other drugs) soon after have sex. That is to remove sperm from the vagina mechanics. Naturally women can prevent pregnancy how to extend the period of breastfeeding.

Periodic abstinence / calendar system
Periodic abstinence, also termed the calendar system initially introduced by Kyusaku Ogino of Japan and Germany Hermann Knaus from around 1931. Therefore, it is also often referred to with the Ogino-Knaus. Basic thoughts are only women can be pregnant for a few days in each cycle haidnya. The period is called the fertile period or phase ovulasi and it happens about 14 days (toleransinya about 2 days) before the first day of the menstrual akan datang.
Kendalanya is difficult for women to determine the suburnya, especially for those who do not regularly haidnya period. Many say that this is the most secure and does not have any side effects.

Condom use has been started since the times of ancient Egypt. In the 1553, Gabrielle Fallopi depict the use of silk bags be oiled with the oil before it is installed veil have sex with the goal of preventing men from venereal disease.
Use of condoms as a means of contraception in the new century begins to-18 in the UK. In the beginning this condom is made of sheep intestine, and in 1844 on the development, creating successful Goodyear's rubber condom. Condoms are generally used now is made of rubber and is available with the size and color vary. Condom effectiveness is dependent on the quality and accuracy in use.

Pessarium (Vaginal diaphragm and Carnival Cap)
Pessarium is the female condom. In general, this pessarium divided two groups, the vaginal diaphragm and carnival cap. Vaginal diaphragm is a means of contraception consisting of a rubber bag with a bowl-shaped "per" on the elastic pinggirnya. Diaphragm edge dibengkokkan and easily inserted at the top of the vagina to prevent sperm entry into the top of the channel reproduction. To be effective should be used contraceptive jelly or cream for the murderer sperm.
Diaphragm must stay in the vagina for 6 hours after sexual relations. Contraceptive tool that is most appropriate one is used by women with pelvic base that is not loose and the tonus of the vagina wall. But for the first penggunannya needs to be the appropriate size difragma.
Carnival cap made of rubber or plastic and shaped bowls made from the pinggirnya the thick rubber. Smaller size of vaginal diaphragm. The tool is rarely used to start contraception.

Spermatisida used for contraception consists of two components, namely chemical substance that is capable of turning off the spermatozoa and vechikulum used to make tablets, cream, or jelly. Spermatisid useful to kill sperm before serviks pass. How it works with the cell membrane damage sperm and reduce sperm mobility and sperm in the ability to fertilize ovum. Spermatisida consists of various forms such as suppositorum, jelly or cream, foam tablet, and tissue KB. Users are very limited.

There are three types of contraceptive pill that is: mini-pill, combination pills, and pills pascasenggama. In addition to preventing the occurrence of ovulasi, pills also have other effects on traktus genitalis. The effect a change in the mucus serviks, so become less viscous and more. Thus the sperm can not enter the cavity rahim.Yang common use is a combination pill of estrogen and progesteron. Pills made from synthetic hormones.
Despite many macamnya available dipasaran and very high level of effectiveness, not all women can use the combination pill for contraception. The situation is not allowed to use the pill KB is:
1. Women who have a tumor that is affected by estrogen
2. Women who suffer heart disease is active, both acute and chronic
3. Women who had suffered trombophlebitis, tromboemboli, and cerebro-aberration vaskuler
4. Women who have the disease diabetes melitus
5. Women who have experienced depression, migraine, mioma uteri, hypertension, oligomenorea. (Special conditions for this are relatively, and the combination pill for women, the difference-the difference must be supervised regularly, at least once in three months).

There are currently two types of contraceptive injection. First, the progestin, such as depoprovera, depogeston, depoprogestin, and noristerat. Second, the progestin with estrogen propionat mixture, such as cycloprovera. This drug works by way of pressing the formation of hormones from the brain so that the avoidance of ovulasi. Injection is very appropriate given the mothers who are breastfeeding because of how it works does not disrupt lactation.

Implant / implan
There are two types of implant used for contraception, namely norplan and implanon. Norplan a contraceptive method is 5 years consisting of 6 capsule silastik Silicon containing each 36 mg levonorgestrel and inserted under the skin. Implanon is only 3 years old and white flexible rod-shaped with a length of 40 mm diameter and 2mm in a needle attached to a special inserter.

IUD (Intra Uterine Device) or contraception Tools In Rahim (AKDR)
Now in this market there is in tens IUD type. Their raw materials from the circulating IUD consists of three types. It's made of plastic, containing copper, and there is a steroid hormone. In terms of shape, divided to the IUD in the form of an open and closed like a ring. That many programs used in the KB masional is the type of Lippes loop IUD.
Compared with the tools and the other drugs contraceptives, IUD has advantages because it only requires a one-time installation, do not cause systemic effects, economical and suitable for use en masse, effectiveness is high enough, and easily removed if wanted children (reversibel). However, the IUD can cause side effects such as bleeding, pain, stomach cramps, and disruption or inconvenience to the husband. Even pelvik can cause infection and endometritis.

Sterilization (tubektomi and vasektomi)
In practice, sterilization can be divided into two, namely vasektomi and tubektomi. Tubektomi effort is made to the sterilization of women with close or cut way ovary in a certain way so that they can not be pregnant again. Vasektomi is fastening or cutting action on the channel sperm (vas deferens) that cause a man can not type menghamili opponent. Sterlisasi the benefits of this are almost 100 percent effectiveness, does not affect sexual Libido, and the failure of the patient almost does not exist.

Interference menstruasi
Interference in the menstruasi women are divided into two types, namely amenore primary and secondary amenore. Amenore primary is not until the occurrence of menstruasi age 17 years with or without sexual development. Amenore is not the occurrence of secondary menstruasi for 3 - 6 months or more in the middle of the cycle menstruasi.
B. Cancer genitalia
Cancer in the female genitalia may occur in the vagina, ovarium and serviks.
C. Cancer vagina
Vagina cancer is not known but it likely occurred because the irritation of which are caused by viruses. Treated with chemotherapy, among others, and laser surgery.
D. Cancer serviks
In developing countries such as Indonesia, the disease serviks cancer is a major cause of death due to cancer. In the world, every two minutes a woman dies due to cancer serviks. So, do not look more threatening disease with the eye. Here are 13 things you must know about cancer serviks.

Cancer serviks neck cancer or womb cancer is the type of disease that occurred in the uterus neck. That is, the womb, which is located on the bottom, which opens to the vagina vagina. Neck of the womb as, when the information has entered the stage, this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states, at this time the disease cancer serviks occupy the top ranking among the various types of cancer that causes death in women in the world. In Indonesia, every year more than 15,000 detected cases of cancer serviks, and approximately as many as 8000 cases of which ended with the death. According to WHO, Indonesia is a country with the number of cancer serviks the highest in the world. Why be so dangerous? The cancer serviks appear as enemies in a blanket. Difficult to detect until the disease has reached advanced stages.

Serviks cancer caused by HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). This virus has more than 100 types, where most of them harmless and will vanish by itself. Types of HPV virus that cause cancer and serviks most fatal consequence is a virus HPV types 16 and 18. However, other than caused by the HPV virus, abnormal cells in the womb, the neck can also grow due to radiation exposure or contamination of chemicals that occur in the time period long enough.

HPV virus transmission can occur through sexual relations, especially with the switch-pair change. Virus transmission can occur either with the transmission through the genital organs to the genital organs, oral to genital or genital to manually. Therefore, the use of condoms when the relationship is too intimate does not prevent the effect of HPV virus. For, not only spread through the fluid, the virus can move through the touch of skin.

At the initial stage, this disease does not cause symptoms easily observed. Therefore, you are already sexually active are highly recommended to do the pap smear test every two years. Physical symptoms of this disease is generally only felt by people with advanced stages of cancer. Namely, the emergence of pain and bleeding when exposed intimate (contact bleeding), keputihan excessive and not normal, bleeding outside menstruasi cycle, and the drastic decrease in body weight. If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, the patient will suffer painful back complaint, in barriers berkemih, and kidney enlargement.

E. Ovarium cancer
Ovarium cancer or ovary obtained nickname "The Silent Lady Killer" murderess or tacit, as this nickname implies ovarium cancer are difficult to detect in the early stages. Because usually no symptoms at all. Growth is very slow and usually if there is a complaint arising benjolan.
Women who are at risk of cancer affected or ovarium ovary usually associated with breast cancer. There are family relationships, so-called breast cancer syndrome. Although the descendants of factors play a role in the occurrence of ovarium cancer, women who have no family ovarium cancer can also infected the disease is cancer. In addition to the descendants of factors, it definitely ovarium cancer has not been known until now.
Who is at risk, some of the literature ovarium cancer can strike young women to old age. Ovarium cancer cases found termuda aged 8 years. So, ovarium cancer is not age perspective. Women who are at risk of suffering ovarium cancer is usually women who have children experiencing difficulty, women who do not have children, and women who get triggered ovulasi (hormone therapy).
If a bag is not found in normal ovarium not mean suffering langsumg convicted ovarium cancer. It's the type of cyst in the ovarium associated with menstrual cycle, known by the name of a functional cyst may shrink by itself within 1-3 months because it only contains a liquid. Malignant cyst that usually lead to cancer sectional and thick cell wall and not regularly. Unlike the only functional cyst filled fluid, abnormal cyst showed a mixture of liquid and solid network and can be violent.
There is a cancer on the ovary akan possible fertility. Cancer who have entered the stadium go, can attack the body organs such as intestine (the most) and the lungs. Risk of death will be the greater. Ovarium cancer diagnose delays often occurred because the location is in the ovarium in the pelvis so that it is not visible from the outside.

Ovarium Cancer Symptoms
The symptoms when exposed felt ovarium cancer usually is:
1. There is enlargement because there is a conglomeration stomach fluid in the belly.
2. Menstruasi interference occurs when the tumor hormone.
3. Pain in the stomach and bleeding quite a lot happens when menstruasi.
4. Sometimes stomach feels begah, puffed, and not comfortable.
When the stadium go, then the symptoms:
1. Have felt in the stomach when benjolan be touched.
2. Pelvic pain.
3. Interference defecate or void due to the emphasis on small alimentary tract and ureter.
4. People can experience hoarding fluid in the belly cavity to flow to the thoracic cavity.
5. Where the belly bulge and can be blown up to occur.
F. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition where there is a network endometrium outside the uterus, which can grow around the ovarium, or oviduk far outside the uterus, for example in the lungs.
Symptoms of endometriosis include stomach pain, lumbar pain and pain in the menstruasi. If not, endometriosis can cause difficult pregnancies occurred. Handling can be done with the provision of medicines, surgical or laser laparoskopi.
Vagina infection
Symptoms of early infection keputihan a vagina and itch-itch-relief. Infection of the vagina of women age. The result of such intercourse, especially when husbands are infected, fungi or bacteria.
G. Hipogonadisme
Hipogonadisme testis function decline is caused by hormone disruption interaction, such as the hormone androgen and testoteron. This interference causes infertilitas, impotensi and the absence of signs kepriaan. Handling can be done with hormone therapy.

H. Kriptorkidisme
Kriptorkidisme is the failure of one or both of the testis to descend into the abdomen cavity skrotum at the time of the baby. This can be with the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate terstoteron. If not go down as well, surgery is done.

I. Uretritis
Uretritis is uretra of infection, the channel that brought water from the bladder urine exit the body.

The causes can be a bacteria, fungus or virus.
In the women Jasad renik usually comes from the vagina. In most cases, bacteria originating from the large intestine to the vagina and through the anus. Men more often suffer uretritis.

Jasad renik which is transmitted through sexual relations (eg, Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonore), entrance to the vagina or penis during a sexual relationship with a sexual partner can be infected and spreading to uretra.
Uretritis on the men most often caused by gonokokus.

Klamidia and simpleks herpes virus can also be transmitted through sexual contact and can cause uretritis.

In the men's, uretritis usually starts with the secretion of fluid uretra.
If it is gonokokus the liquid will contain pus. If it is Jasad renik the other, the liquid contains mucus.

Symptoms are pain at the time berkemih and patients often experience pressure to berkemih.

If uretritis because gonokokus not treated in adekuat, then in the end will constringency uretra (striktur).
Striktur this will increase the risk of a uretritis on uretra higher and sometimes cause terbentuknya abses around uretra.
Abses bag can be formed on the wall uretra (divertikulum uretra), the infection can also be experienced.

If abses cause skin perforation, the water flow can chew through a new channel (fistula uretra).

Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms.

To find out the cause, fluid samples can be taken out of uretra and analyzed in the laboratory.

Treatment depending on the microorganisms cause.
If the cause is bacterial, the antibiotics given.
If it is a herpes virus simpleks, then given anti-viral drugs (such as asiklovir).

J. Prostatitis
Prostatitis is inflammation prostat. The causes can be bacterial, such as Escherichia coli bacteria or not.

K. Epididimitis
Epididimitis is a common infection in the male reproductive channel. Organism is the cause epididimitis E. coli and Chlamydia.

L. Orkitis
Orkitis is inflammation in the testis caused by parotitis virus. If you happen to adult males can cause infertilitas.

Companies have a variety of alternative sources of funding, which comes both from within and from outside the company. Alternative funding from within the company, generally by using a profit in the company. While the alternative funding from outside the company can come from creditors as debt, other forms of financing or the issuance of debt letters, and the inclusion of funding in the form of shares (equity). Through the inclusion of funding mechanisms are generally made with the company to sell shares to the public or known to frequently go publik.Untuk go public, companies need to do preparation and preparation of internal documentation in accordance with the requirements to go public or public bidding, and meets all the requirements set Bapepam-LK .
Public Offer or often also called Go Public is a preferred stock or other Securities made by Emiten (the company that will go public) or to sell shares to the public based on the effect of procedure is regulated by the Law on Capital Market Regulation and its implementation.
Public Offer includes the following activities:
 Period when the Prime Market Securities offered by the capitalist guarantor emissions through the Seller Agent appointed
 Shares Penjatahan the effect of the allocation of the capitalist order in accordance with the number of Securities that are available;
 Pencatatan Effects in Bursa, which is when the effect began to be traded on the Stock Exchange.
Public Bidding Process stocks can be grouped into the following 4 stages:
1. Preparation Phase
This stage is an early stage in order to prepare all things related to the Public Offer. At the beginning of the company that will issue shares first to the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to request approval of the shareholders in the Public Offer shares. After approval, the appointment of a guarantor to emiten emissions and supporting institutions, and professional markets, namely:
 Emission Guarantee (underwriter). It is the most involvement in helping emiten issuing shares in order. Activities conducted guarantor emissions are: to prepare various documents, help prepare the prospectus, and pledge to give up publishing.
 Public Accountant (Independent Auditors). Duty to audit or review financial reports on the candidates emiten.
 assessors to conduct assessments of the company's fixed assets and determine the fair value of fixed assets;
 Legal Consultant to the terms of the law (legal opinion).
 Notary of teaching license to make a change of teaching license-Budget Basis, of teaching license agreements in order to offer the public and also notulen-meeting notes.
2. Phase Pengajuan Registration Statement
At this stage, complete with documents supporting his candidate registration emiten to Bapepam-LK to Bapepam-LK declare Registration Statement becomes effective.
3. Stage Offer Shares
This stage is the main stage, because at the time this is emiten offer shares to public investors. Investors can buy shares through agents appointed by the seller. Offer Period at least three working days. Please note that not all investors desire fulfilled in this phase. For example, the stock market to be of as much as 100 million shares while investors want to buy the whole amount of 150 million shares. If the investor does not get a share of the market, the investor can buy in the secondary market after the shares listed in the Stock Exchange.
4. Phase Pencatatan shares in the Stock Exchange
Once completed the sale of shares in the market, more shares are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Shareholders who are recorded in Bei is divided into two board recording the Main Board and Development Board in which the placement of candidates emiten and emiten approved pencatatannya in base eligibility on the initial recording of each registration board.
Main board is for the candidate or emiten have emiten the size (size) and have a great track record is good. While the Development Board is intended for companies that can not meet the requirements of the recording in the Main Board, including the company's prospective, but not a profit, and is a means for companies that are expected in Penyehatan so that national economic recovery can be done more quickly.
General recording requirements in Bei
Emiten Candidates can record sahamnya in Bursa, has been eligible if the following:
1. Emission Registration Statement has been declared effective by Bapepam-LK.
2. Emiten candidates are not in dispute is estimated that the law can affect corporate performance.
3. Businesses either directly or indirectly is not prohibited by laws which apply in Indonesia.
4. Emiten manufacturer specific candidates, not the problem of pollution in the environment (it is proved with a certificate AMDAL) and the forestry industry emiten candidate must have a certificate ecolabelling (environmentally friendly).
5. Special emiten prospective mining areas must have a permit that is valid for at least 15 years have at least 1 Contract Works or power mining or mining license area; at least one Member Direksinya have the technical ability and experience in the field of mining; emiten candidates already have proven reserves (proven deposit) or equivalent.
6. Special emiten candidates who require a permit area of business management (such as toll roads, control of forest) must have a permit is at least 15 years.
7. Emiten candidate who is a subsidiary and / or the parent company of emiten that have been recorded (listing) in Bei emiten which candidates to contribute to the income emiten the listing is more than 50% of consolidated revenue, not recorded in the Exchange.
1. Terms of records relating to the initial financial terms are based on financial reports Auditan last recording before applying.
Terms Pencatatan Start the Main Board
The prospective company will be for the first time in the Main Board if the following requirements:
No Criterion
1. Compliant with general record stock
2. Diajukannya up to the recording application, has conducted operational activities in the main business (core business) the same minimum of 36 months, respectively.
3. Financial Report has been audited 3 last year, with the provisions of Financial Reporting Auditan 2 last year and interim financial report Auditan last (if any) gain in Wajar Without Exception (WTP).
4. Based on the Financial Reports have Auditan last tangible Net Assets (Net tangible assets) at least Rp 100,000,000,000, - (one hundred billion rupiah)
5. Number of shares owned by shareholders that is not Control Shareholders (minority shareholders) after the Public Offer or a company that has been recorded on the Stock Exchange or another for the Public Perusahaa not recorded on the Stock Exchange in the period of five (5) days before the exchange request recording, at least 100,000,000 (hundred million) shares or 35% of the paid capital (whichever is smaller).
6. Number of shareholders at least 1,000 (one thousand) shareholders who have accounts on the effect of Member Stock Exchange, with the provision of: - The Company For candidates who do public bidding, the number of shareholders are shareholders of the bidding public.
- The Company For Candidates came from a public company, the number of shareholders is the number of shareholders not later than the last one (1) month before applying recording.
- For Candidates The Company recorded in other Stock Exchange, the number of shareholders is calculated based on average per month for 6 (six) months.
Terms Pencatatan in the Board Development
The prospective company will be for the first time in development when the Board meets the following requirements:

No Criterion
1. Compliant with general record stock
2. Diajukannya up to the recording application, has conducted operational activities in the main business (core business) the same minimum of 12 months, respectively.
3. Financial Reports Auditan last year that include a minimum of 12 months and the Interim Financial Report Auditan last (if any) gain in Wajar Without Exception (WTP).
4. Have a substantial Net Assets (net tangible assets) at least Rp 5,000,000,000, - (five billion rupiah)
5. If the prospective loss experience emiten or not a business or keuantungan operate less than 2 years old, must: - not later than the end of the year to-2 have been recorded since the business and gain profit net profit berasarkan financial projections that will be announced on the Stock Exchange.
- Special emiten for candidates engaged in a field that is in accordance with the business takes a long time to reach break-even point (such as infrastructure, plantation of trees, forest management concession rights (HPH) or the Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) or other areas of business related to public services, the financial projections based on the prospective company recorded page no later than the end of the year to-6 have been recorded since the business and gain profit net profit.
6. Number of shares owned by shareholders that is not Control Shareholders (minority shareholders) after the Public Offer or a company that has been recorded on the Stock Exchange or another for the Public Perusahaa not recorded on the Stock Exchange in the period of five (5) days before the exchange request recording, at least 50,000,000 (forty million limka) shares or 35% of the paid capital (whichever is smaller).
7. Number of shareholders at least 500 (five hundred) shareholders who have accounts on the effect of Member Stock Exchange, with the provision of: - The Company For candidates who do public bidding, the number of shareholders are shareholders of the bidding public.
- The Company For Candidates came from a public company, the number of shareholders is the number of shareholders not later than the last one (1) month before applying recording.
- For Candidates The Company recorded in other Stock Exchange, the number of shareholders is calculated based on average per month for 6 (six) months.
8. Special emiten candidates who want to IPO, emisinya pledge agreement must use the principles of capability (full commitment).

Mechanism TRADE
Before you can conduct a transaction, the investor must first become a client at the company's Securities broker or office. Bei located in about 120 companies that are members of Securities Bei. First-time investors to open the accounts with an account of the document. In the account opening documents is a complete identity of the client (including the investment goals and financial circumstances) and a description of the investment will be made.
Customer or the investor can buy or sell order after investors agreed to be the company customers in effect concerned. Effect of each company generally require customers to deposit for a certain amount of money as a guarantee that the customer is eligible to sell shares to buy. The amount of deposit required varies, for example, require that there is Rp 25 million, while others require as much as Rp 15 million and beyond.
Basically there is no limit and a minimum amount of funds to buy shares. In stock trading, the number of shares sold in the sale of the trading is done is a lot. Stock Exchange in Indonesia, a lot means that the 500 shares and that the minimum purchase of shares. Then the funds needed to be varied because of the diversity of stock prices recorded in the Exchange. For example, XYZ stock price of Rp 1,000,
the minimum funds required to purchase a lot to be stock (500 multiplied Rp 1,000) of Rp 500,000. As an illustration, if ABC stock price Rp 2,500 per sahamnya the funds to buy shares at least the means (500 multiplied Rp 2,500) to Rp 1.250.000, -.
In Bei, a transaction is done on a certain day-to-day called the Day of Bursa,
Stock Day Trading Session Time
Monday until Thursday Session I
Jam Session II 09.30 - 12.00 WIB
Hours 13:30 - 16:00 WIB
Friday Session I
Jam Session II 09.30 - 11:30 WIB
Hours 14.00 - 16.00 WIB
View from the process, the sequence of trading stock or other effect can be explained as follows:

1. Customer becomes the Securities Company.

In this section, a person who will be the first investor to be a customer or open an account in one of the broker or the Company Securities. After officially becoming a customer is registered, the investor can melakuka transaction activity.

2. Orders from customers.

Share sale and purchase activity begins with the instruction that was delivered to the investor broker. At this stage, commands or orders can be made directly where investors come to the office of broker or order delivered through means of communication such as telephone or other means of communication.

3. Forwarded to the Floor Trader.

Each order of entry to the next broker will be forwarded to the broker, which is located on the floor or the exchange is often called the floor trader.

4. Order to enter JATS

Floor traders will enter (entry) of all orders it receives into a computer system JATS. Exchanges on the floor, there are hundreds of JATS terminal facilities which the order-entry of customer orders. All incoming orders to JATS system can be monitored either by floor traders, officials in the office broker and investor. In this stage, there is communication between the broker to the investor so that the goal can be fulfilled orders delivered to the investor to buy or sell. Including at this stage, based on the investors, floor trader order to do some changes, such as changes in the price quote, and a few other changes.

5. There was a transaction (matched).

At this order is entered to the system JATS meet with the appropriate price and JATS recorded in the system as a transaction that has occurred (done), in the sense of an order to buy or sell price has been met with a match. At this stage, the floor trader or broker in the office staff will provide information to investors that the order has been delivered fulfilled.

6. Settlement of transactions (settlement)

End-stage cycle of a transaction or transactions is often called the settlement. Investors do not automatically get their rights because at this stage as the process needed some clearing, pemindahbukuan, and others to end the rights of investors met, as investors sell stocks that will earn money, while investors who purchase shares will receive shares. In Bei, process transactions in progress for 3 days exchanges. This means that if the transaction day (T), then our rights will be fulfilled during the next 3 day exchange, or known by the term T + 3

Sunday, July 12, 2009


In new businesses, "management" is often considered "whatever needs to be done just to keep things afloat". However, for your business to grow and remain healthy, you must master certain basic skills in management and leadership -- skills that will help you avoid the crisis situations where you have to do "whatever it takes to stay afloat". The basic skills include problem solving and decision making, planning, meeting management, delegation, communications and managing yourself.

Those basics are also the foundation from which to develop more advanced practices in management and leadership. When organizational personnel struggle, it's often because they've forgotten the basics -- not because they aren't implementing state-of-the-art techniques in management and leadership.

NOTE ABOUT THE LARGE SIZE OF THIS MODULE: This module references numerous basic skills that leaders and managers must master in order to be effective in their organizations and their lives. These skills can be practiced throughout this program and in other areas of learners' lives. Readers who are interested in gaining broader contexts of management and leadership can review optional readings suggested in the "Materials for Review" section below.

NOTE ABOUT ORDER OF MODULES: Therefore, it is common to start management training programs with an overview of the board of directors (if the program includes focus on corporation, which are governed by boards of directors) -- the board of directors is legally charged to govern a corporation. However, in this program, this learning module about basic skills in management and leadership is presented before the learning module about boards of directors. The reason for this order of modules is as follows. Frequently businesses are started by someone with a strong vision for a new product. That person often goes on to become the first chief executive of the new business. Typically, that person also takes a very strong role (often the leading role) in the initial organization and development of the board of directors. Therefore, modules in this program are organized to help the founder (and often the first chief executive) to effectively apply basic skills in management and leadership when organizing the board of directors.

NOTE ABOUT LEARNING SUPERVISION -- Supervision is a major aspect of managing and leading. There are certain roles and responsibilities -- and experiences -- that are highly unique to the role of supervision and highly critical to the success of the organization. Therefore, the topic of staffing and supervision will also be addressed in an upcoming module in this program.

Predictive Management

Predictive Management

Predictive management focuses on reducing the number of problems that require reactive management. The more problems that can be prevented through predictive management, the fewer problems will need to be solved through reactive management. If you are good at predictive management, you are:
  • Thoughtful and analytic,
  • Not likely to go chasing after the current panic,
  • More aware of the important than the merely urgent issues,
  • Able to identify patterns in data and patterns of failures,
  • More focused on "why" did something go wrong, rather than "what" can be done to fix it, and
  • Able to keep the big picture in mind when working through the details.

Someone who is good at predictive management is sufficiently detached that they can identify the conditions that lead to certain problems and can implement procedures to reduce or eliminate the problems. Rather than being concerned about the immediate problem, they are able to relate current conditions to earlier information and predict when problems might arise.

A predictive management style is an important ability for a manager to have. The more problems that can be prevented through predictive management, the fewer resources will need to be spent on reacting to problems that have arisen. Predictive management does not replace reactive management, but it reduces the need for it.

Getting Better At Predictive Management

How does a manager get better at predictive management? The best way is practice. Focus some time every day on predictive management and on developing the skills listed above. Here's an example of practicing the predictive management behaviors so you can get better at it.
  • Schedule a meeting with yourself so you can block out a half hour of time. [li[Close your door. Set your phone on do-not-disturb. Turn off your cell phone and pager.
  • Pick the problem that has been the biggest headache for your organization. Then allow yourself to just think about it.
    • When did it happen most recently?
    • What caused it?
    • What warnings or indicators did we have before it happened?
    • What did we do to fix it?
    • What could we have done to prevent it?
    • What can I do now to reduce the chances of it happening again?
  • Start monitoring the warning signs you noted above.
  • When those signs next appear, apply the previous solution before the problem gets big. [li[Evaluate the results and adjust as needed.

The more you practice predictive management the better you will be at it. You will still need your ability in reactive management, but just not as much. Your resources will be used more on getting things done than on fixing problems and you'll have more time to think about and prevent more problems from arising.

The influence of Culture on the Management Company

How far the culture berimbas management company? strategy can be formed while our culture is so hard?

A change in the withdrawal will bring something new and can only leave the old things. In this context, something that can be called old culture, and that this new course a new strategy. In the world of work, management in particular, are essential strategies that have up to date in working patterns, in order to achieve the vision and mission of a company.

So the question is, what if culture can not be changed with the new strategy? What will be done by the management?


As we know, culture is something that has become a habit and do down-and decreased continuously, which is then believed it possible for small and changed or replaced with a new, even to those who try to replace it will be considered in violation of the rules that already exist . In response to questions above, a culture that can not be changed, with the condition of all the efforts already made the change simple things you can do is carry out a comparison between the new strategy, which will be applied-with a culture that already exists, and which views the better.

Along with the development of the age, the new strategy would have been adapting to situations and conditions that exist and have any level of success is greater than the existing culture. In comparison to this second case is dikompetisikan, which has a high efficiency and effectiveness and the results of the end of the process and not a fast and remove more energy, a strategy that will be applied for.


Of course, both parties-the culture they already have them and the new strategy that will be applied-the strategies they practice each and they must also continue to monitor carefully the development of the opponent, so each party knows and clearly detail the things are going.

Then see the end results of both strategy and dimusyawarahkan which were better and bring more benefits to the company.

Next question is, what if everything remains the opinion of the respective confidence? What further action?

If all still hold on the color, this will require the wise management decisions, and certainly does not have a party who feels aggrieved.

Another thing that can be done is the establishment of a new strategy in addition to strategies that aim applied previously. This means the establishment of this new strategy comes / cultural roots of the existing concepts and new strategies that would ditanamkan. Both it and dileburkan combined to create something new. Through this case, both parties expected that there will not feel aggrieved and disappointed-confidence because they are used as extra-and thus a new strategy to understand one another and create a strategy that is completely different and original. According to colleagues how?